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republished " FortuneFatalityOhio another CC in the Silent War, Animal Control, and IF we are allowed our rights as Americans in an Occupied country"

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Ohio another CC in the Silent War, Animal Control, and IF we are allowed our rights as Americans in an Occupied country

     So in the weeks nearing 6 Weeks after I was threatened by someone in a uniform in an official seeming vehicle, big as or bigger than a Chevy Suburban could've been one I am not that familiar with vehicles and makes in a tan that was not just solid brown or tan but almost like it was mixed with something maybe a grey or charcoal or something, that read "Akron Police Department" in a Sky blue and marigold yellow writing plus maybe brown or black maybe I am finally back in Akron Ohio on the search for the rest of my belongings that were kept by an Agency at the time known to me as SCOPE in a white Jeep I think or SUV that read SCOPE on the front Driver side door and on a sign outside the building where I taken to receive help with getting shelter and resources while possibly getting assessed though it was not stated what type of assessment or where or why besides the fact that I had been sleeping behind a building and had no where to go,  since there was no shelter availability at the time the "Officer" who would not say that he was a Akron Police officer but who stated he was or is an officer working with the agency now identified at PP(P)ES sounds like HESS with a P stated yesterday on Christmas after an "intake" phone call for a program within their sphere for stepping down from being kept in a locked Behavioral Health Hospital in Lorraine Ohio with not the same name as the facility has on the outside which I can't remember but it was located right next to a hospital in Lorraine.

     This officer approached in the vehicle described to my location behind the Giant Eagle grocery store right next to the Denny's at 1861 Home street in Akron Ohio where he threatened to have me removed and or trespassed or ___________ and not he said at least 2x by the building and or property owners. 

 (RE #rereep rereap rereeep peepre peepree please stop interupting and proving just how in league you are with whoever is behind this incident thank you 12:29 am, 12:31 or 32 am, 12:39 am todyas time might produce different results for a hashtag investigation with crossover and ithreshed index*)

I stated that I didn't think he had the right to do that as I hadn't been there (#EERPAT these are facebook hashtags 12:42 am would also be relevant) that long and to just leave me alone and he would not backoff nor subside his barrage of threats, questions, and other motion or motivational speech to make me move from where I was. I was trying almost a silent protester technique not well known* except he kept needing more information including who had put him up to this in which I could not help though I tried to figure out what it was he needed so that he would move on from me an easy unsuspecting target of a conglomerate that had been stealing though they call it confiscation of property all over no less than 2-3 regions of the United States (#EEERYY # EEEERYY #EEERRIY) complete with grounds keeps or grounds kc or ckeeps that may have had homeless trying to keep it from this greedy corporate ___________ (entity) whether we knew it or not. The police have mostly been kept out of the loop about the truth of these properties that are many in names only not truly the actual owners in actuality though if they are a wide variety of Americans including Veterans (VVETERRAIN with one or 2 more letters soldierrain with one or 2 more letters as well is culpable in this war on Vertrans and Street Wars or Warriors known and unknown like me and others I have known even over 2 decades ago. 

To be Continued...

Jade Raven Pelton
Domestic Homeland Terrorism War Correspondent and Recipient of the above:

for reporting Facts, supposition, Suspected, basics that can save lives and or at least have you be informed about the current occupation of my country I don't know if you would call this your country or not and more on the War that is SILENT on our soil here in the USA or what's supposed to be American Soil and                        ( #SOILdud(d)ieried) not SoldieredOIL. Toiled toilet why don't you go Fu** yourself along with whomever you called a tome at US libraries like the one in Montana and Missouri check crossover of employees within the library hemisphere.
Come talk with me in person and see if I can help okay
     So in the weeks nearing 6 Weeks after I was threatened by someone in a uniform in an official seeming vehicle, big as or bigger than a Chevy Suburban could've been one I am not that familiar with vehicles and makes in a tan that was not just solid brown or tan but almost like it was mixed with something maybe a grey or charcoal or something, that read "Akron Police Department" in a Sky blue and marigold yellow writing plus maybe brown or black maybe I am finally back in Akron Ohio on the search for the rest of my belongings that were kept by an Agency at the time known to me as SCOPE in a white Jeep I think or SUV that read SCOPE on the front Driver side door and on a sign outside the building where I taken to receive help with getting shelter and resources while possibly getting assessed though it was not stated what type of assessment or where or why besides the fact that I had been sleeping behind a building and had no where to go,  since there was no shelter availability at the time the "Officer" who would not say that he was a Akron Police officer but who stated he was or is an officer working with the agency now identified at PP(P)ES sounds like HESS with a P stated yesterday on Christmas after an "intake" phone call for a program within their sphere for stepping down from being kept in a locked Behavioral Health Hospital in Lorraine Ohio with not the same name as the facility has on the outside which I can't remember but it was located right next to a hospital in Lorraine.

     This officer approached in the vehicle described to my location behind the Giant Eagle grocery store right next to the Denny's at 1861 Home street in Akron Ohio where he threatened to have me removed and or trespassed or ___________ and not he said at least 2x by the building and or property owners. 

 (RE #rereep rereap rereeep peepre peepree please stop interupting and proving just how in league you are with whoever is behind this incident thank you 12:29 am, 12:31 or 32 am, 12:39 am todyas time might produce different results for a hashtag investigation with crossover and ithreshed index*)

I stated that I didn't think he had the right to do that as I hadn't been there (#EERPAT these are facebook hashtags 12:42 am would also be relevant) that long and to just leave me alone and he would not backoff nor subside his barrage of threats, questions, and other motion or motivational speech to make me move from where I was. I was trying almost a silent protester technique not well known* except he kept needing more information including who had put him up to this in which I could not help though I tried to figure out what it was he needed so that he would move on from me an easy unsuspecting target of a conglomerate that had been stealing though they call it confiscation of property all over no less than 2-3 regions of the United States (#EEERYY # EEEERYY #EEERRIY) complete with grounds keeps or grounds kc or ckeeps that may have had homeless trying to keep it from this greedy corporate ___________ (entity) whether we knew it or not. The police have mostly been kept out of the loop about the truth of these properties that are many in names only not truly the actual owners in actuality though if they are a wide variety of Americans including Veterans (VVETERRAIN with one or 2 more letters soldierrain with one or 2 more letters as well is culpable in this war on Vertrans and Street Wars or Warriors known and unknown like me and others I have known even over 2 decades ago. 

To be Continued...

Jade Raven Pelton
Domestic Homeland Terrorism War Correspondent and Recipient of the above:

for reporting Facts, supposition, Suspected, basics that can save lives and or at least have you be informed about the current occupation of my country I don't know if you would call this your country or not and more on the War that is SILENT on our soil here in the USA or what's supposed to be American Soil and                        ( #SOILdud(d)ieried) not SoldieredOIL. Toiled toilet why don't you go Fu** yourself along with whomever you called a tome at US libraries like the one in Montana and Missouri check crossover of employees within the library hemisphere.
Come talk with me in person and see if I can help okay


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