The Frames, Extortioners, Tertiary Aimed Attorney, Blackmailers, Creation Windfalled, and Using Children for profit Spreading the Sickness of Women of Profited AUFTofProphets

May 12,2024

We are talking about no less than about 7.2 million children worldwide, #silinherited #shinheiled #inherited add addlebrain or adudit or chencam or chommmai or more for the schemes, schemets, schemas, meeemes, #memaiws , #thronedreil , #drakedail , #flokkami , #unfeldfolds , #vailedveil , #dhaikurfracfranc #dhaijaik #buoba #bhuuobaich owns the previous #hastag #hushedstag #shikatkendough #Maffia add mop, or muppit, or trikc, or stunk , or miltea, or mobaufit or mobaufet or moubufa or baindauuie or badiujuun or fausciei or oimfat or flatennedfoot or bootedbreast or try Any of these with Skill or skillet or ska or grange or skulle or Mobstar or tummy or female or woman or tranland or spectacle (bigged in extortion on the rest is the last 5 holding others back from turning in evidence, truth, even confessions held back #jamblackeyed is a pro at extortion #purportedpert is a #passhisow for them not allowing people to get people out even if they took whatever it is knowingly and not letting them get redemption from the unfairness harnessed the pain the struggle the truth the hurt the relief the striving for honor hope and an end to the lie(s) ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿค”๐Ÿ‘€ oh ๐Ÿ˜ฑ the realization that freedom even in lockup is worth it, worth freeing yourself worth freeing anybody, you are or can be freer on the inside on the inside where telling people to ๐Ÿ–•off is easier, misery doesn't just love company it creates extra seats for more until you die because they are better, know better and they have no idea who they are creating even the cruelty on the streets or in corrections or companies or councils or governments belies the truth that self doubt self hate self ________ can cause a person to act not just selfishly, predjudicially, hatefully, ignorantly, stupidly, immaturely, evilly, greedily even to their own death not just those that die because of what they do , due to insecurity, psychoticness, jealousy, lack of understanding love or acceptance even of themselves, causing scars, causing tears, causing sickness, causing injury, causing suicide which is #cakepiedslicerd just a piece of cake a slice of pie a #deThott of somebody they deem worthless because of all they made off of them, from them, and #undooreduin because you who are better then aren't even a friend to yourself let alone anybody else seeing everybody ad money, profit, sex, pain, sex, assurance, security, a number, statistic, percentage, #marginaiid , margined or marginal , of beyond your time and cherished self but of worth to make ________ from, the I know bettets along with the We know betters oh and the We are better thens #classinnspired the most pathetically uncreative minds are the Superior who prove themselves inferior and again with their outcomes, their sickness of child crimes, the death tolls and fat rolls, and diseases more gone pandama, the pollution earth water air everything goes everywhere ๐Ÿคฃ ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ž๐Ÿ˜ฎ , the insanity of hitting your head against the wall over and over and over and over again expecting this time will be different like expecting to be able to best me when all of "theys" couldn't beat me as a baby, almost 46 years embryo, chymero and more its beyond sad and I Pity them because they can't accept failure can't accept the fact that nobody has ever actually beat me because even when I supposedly lose I win, my phrase I Win, Win I 2021 even when I die I will win I am the house that you go against and I win mostly not personally but globally, universally, in the afterlife, environmentally, behaviorally, socially, awarenesses, learning, animalia kingdoms which is Fauna and Flora, rights, recovery, basic needs, understanding, education, there's always wins for me when I lose or when I win , the more you poison, kill, scar, hurt, injure, pain,lie about, gossip, steal from, plaguegerize, even delude yourself, rock faith, undo, misinterpret, miscommunicate, uncontext, don't cite or site or quote, profit off of, slave, #slatherlatherrd , fatten, insult, cry falsely on, inform on, accuse, point at, cast blame shame guilt judgement doubt your problems your mistakes miscalculations poor decisions based on ignorantlyblindgreeds and a need to control everything and everybody even nature, the more reports, the more cases, more files, violations, violence, impatience, unintentional or intentioned ๐Ÿค” yeah right, false claims, posers, fakes, Phonies, copies, replicas, mosaics, obsessed, imagination relationships, stalkers, plotters, executively directioned, "holy", faked, forged, forced, tortured, dead, ingrated, ingratiators, chanced meeting, cultured, questioners, no Yo's, yo Yo's, #honeysittersweet , liars, framers and frameups, flagged, fif, "mentally _________(competence or incompetence claims, claimed, Samee Jaimees and those who know not their own worth or race nationality Country of origin their name), reality is faulty, dispelled, Imbued true, spread or shared, shaped, groomers, children babies youth against me ๐Ÿ–•๐Ÿคฎ due to _________(coming off of O, seperated from ________$, drugs, freedom, and more), followers, haters, hate directed at, contrarians, people with my words or phrases or names or handles or information or __________, those who are addicted, whoring me, raping me, using me, deprivation, withholding, reaping, trapping, sabotaging, locationed, photos, videos, websites, claiming to even know me at all let alone: be a associate or employee or delegate or emissary or representative or rep payee or a friend or family or someone I dated or am dating or married to or professionally know me on any side or hired or employed me or paid me or protected or helped or created with me or spoken with me or had me look at anything or ANYTHING the last 3-4 years have been mostly on my own all over the country so it is amazing how many have profitted off of my being unhomed homeless and a slave to a society even physically raping me since the day that was born October 10, 1979 cowing the world with monster mothers of worlds domination of all denominations of they sufferance, suffering, #suffreghejedi #suiferman suffering the existence of men on their planet or world and the children who they spawn within us is some of the sickness that is pervasive in ladies and women, #SSWWAM the #notztis never died mostly women front facing others as controlling, punishing, dominating, abusive, hormonal, punitive for "no cause" like drugging and raping, holding us down and back the men of this planet are doomed to rue the day that they said no to us about anything We are the power we are the life of them , Not only do I not hold to this hateful genderist type of speech I wonder at the sanity of the females, women, ladies, and girls that do things like oral in somebody even with a child to heel ๐Ÿ‘  a man , blame is a constant upon others though males more than other females because of the potential lash back but if it will manipulatively work out then they'll risk it, the crazy I want it this way and then they get it that's not good enough or they want it different or the way it was, the you can't trust males on their own mentality, not to mention #cockmilkedreggo , saddling a man by riding the I'm pregnant boat or had a miscarriage even if you aborted, murdering them for money ๐Ÿค‘ making an end ๐Ÿ“… date ๐ŸŒน insured or just inherited or paid or already accrued before died them milk the sympathy even of friends family coworkers neighbors and communities while internally celebrating ๐Ÿฅณ about what they gained and how stupid everyone is around them #partneredgloat #partnetedgloated #boatinggloataeard might have some examples


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