Walk with the Watched in A type of Removed Digital Safety or Hire me in person Cheyenne Wyoming until the 5thish of July 2024
I can mate or match make just about anything, anywhere and can recommend someone, somebody, or some place or company or business or organization etcetera if I can't handle the work, business, job, responsibility, job role, career, or whatever your free in person out loud or on paper written or typed offers, questions, contracts, requests, requirements, needs, details pertaining to locations, housing or living situations available for myself by myself secured in some way so that I can actually work without interruptions from fans that are overzealous and half same or copies because of what people have lied to them about, including in police departments, city councils, community swimmer meet, online, on T.V., in Courts, in print, and what they stole, plagiariazed, replagarized, sold, profited off it and from prophetmopped for profit, framers I helped uncover, identity theft fraud and graft, data breaches beachedbreech, leechedflagletchery, trying to save people trafficked including children, helping stop mediapedmed, Dancing ,singing, songs written and sung Acapella, artisan who does artwork and jewelry, poetry, spoken word, innovator creator, investment advisor, negotiations, organizer, concierge services.
Want to rule your world, inspirational wisdom experience earned, Arm Candy when you need me to be, powerful predictive measurements, future Continent of Revelations and sufficiency, environmentally aware and Advisory Guidance Altruism in Action are my terms together bookiebrook so sorry your Samee isn't me. Global threat assessments, Security ITH, Employee and boss relationships with equality equity and conflict or misunderstanding or miscommunication or misinterpretation resolution even with other departments, cities,companies, countries, or individuals. Lifestyle Health and Wellness, with myself and experiences as proof of my knowledge and actions in this category of reflective setting of goals and mood/energy enhanced empowerment from somebody self empowered.
Don't forget to watch me on other social platforms Informative Innovative Information that can save you money as I never monetize anything
Instagram: Sanitizedtruthnet, Enigmedefi Phoenyxedtruth, Phoenixedtruth, SirLordContessa, Lostthehopeoffreedom, slavedcourage and more
Tiktok: divested.harvest, slavedcourage, holyfireball, Phoenyxedtruth, americaliberty4all backdate AUg 2022 plus more, bravejusticeslaved , untamedcourage plus more names
Twitter: shoshanafurioso@Phoenyxedtruth , polishedjade55418 Maybe, slavedcourage, merryflesh, and more
Tumbler: Fukdiplomacy Phoenyxedtruth
braveslavedjustice or slavedbravejustice.blogspot.com
or more
polishedjade55418.wordpress.com (first ever which reverted back in 2021-2 from a free WordPress site 2019 turned into polishedartist.com for 2 years only one year up the other just saved the name)
(all 3 my Wings Financial Credit Union card Minnesota and that's it ever no other sites besides blogspots I think only a free one and only since 2019 never before, had a my space page,never did pay for porn never did any pay social media, never did any for pay either)
J Raven Pelton:
backdate 22 hours ago 12:53 pm Sunday June 23,2024, then then every 1 hour 53 minutes backstepped for no less than 37 days, then every 22 hours again, for 3 days, then every 52 minutes for 21 by stepped PT days, then...I can do this for anybody without a computer, or any other person, no tech nobodinedean or nobodineddean answers, no lies, no other agenda, no extra costs, no wars or hors devour, no other people AT ALL, By myself not celled sells or celled cellues or bellied belied truths of stolen words phrases like the aids of kindness, mine, Keep killing yourselves with your lies, keep killing the guppies you addicted to O, keep selling shelling rellishing wishing fishing and meatsalted as that's all you are proving you are good for.
Polished Jade
lying thieving, sexiest lithe blithe leadened,
lowballedfrost , caterwauledchristscrosstis ,
sockedrockedmockerdock or docked , sheepedflockedshocked , slipperedfliptcuptcrypt , hulledstilledsilk , junkerdeinsunk , nibsbinbedribsntipped or tiytipedt
Jade Raven Pelton Facebook account (formed out of the Hennepin County Library I think, released from Shakopee Women's prison July or August 2007 didn't have Internet or email in prison then, released on parole July 11 or 12 2007 to RRC Minneapolis Minnesota treatment center recidivism kragenckccrackhouse just killing stilling milling Americans for greed, bloodylustedgrub, bustedraprusty ) first backdate for this account the only account I had on Facebook until 2021, December 2007 backdates then February 2008, then August 2008, then every 32 days after that
Jade Raven Pelton: with the rip ⛺ ( ripenteredten ) backdate May 11, 2023 and yes the entire time I was in Jail July 12th 2022- day before Thanksgiving 2022 I never saw them in jail on or besides turning in on the 12th at night Anoka County Minnesota then bagged for transport not sure I was ever shown except for what was hastily pissily shown by a deputy in Anoka County Jail MN handed off to a sheriff male mixed race or Hispanic transported to Scott County Jail MN the morning of the 13 of July 2022.
Eve Pelton: May 2022 backdate (in Moab Utah 2022)
GabrielGenesis Phuryfire: backdates May 30,2022, May 31,2022 , 1 hour 41+ minutes into the 31st of May, then 1 hour 42 minutes then every minute by NUME for or until Minneapolis Greyhound bus depot Minnesota then theres more
Jubilee Schiavofree: backdate July 13,2022 ( plus July 17 2022 in honor of 2002 huh bluedjengen ) then ( morganmihihimnd murdered Mindy of Mork and Mindy 1979) then July 4,2022 & more dates
Fetlife .com only Adults 21+ I think
Tigereyes40 or MN? 2020 first account until I realized I was being sold, my friend had been raped, I was being stalked drugged & eventually raped, created Enigmedefi Fall 2020 because of this realization and Subliminals and worse then Dec- Jan PandorAsTruth X2 say the a twice Pandora As truth, Phoenyxedtruth, LivNdiebyyoursword, SilencedFreedom
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