Serf Indentured Servitude for Escaping illegal Slavery in Minnesota of my identity, work, words, mind, heart and soul, fertility stolen. and sold, strataghgeihems so much worse than CTOos
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Here I sit across from the street signs Scott St and Morgan in Tampa Florida by the NITA DOM E in my phone just 🥶 a little too much . Count Bon of almost $800,000 reward for the person who Dog wok Tiffany, her family says they put this reward up, no less than almost 20+ have shown up for it but will not explain how or who the origin of finding this person came from. Forced to stay in Tampa I am basically slaved bow , loan, Lorred lawn, whored dawn or dauwn, no way out until my SSDI goes into my IEXed bank account, Wings Financial Minnesota, and used daily for other people's wars like a prostitute for more. #wieharred #weihoven #whooisrredwars #siuiub #slubshubbed #wormedgruabard #whiredpftslayed and more, whored like anybodys meat or victim , like a poniedshow a #sloettedschiavo anybody and everybody uses my life my experiences my work my wisdom my time my body my ____________, for their #plessurewhalewharve #porpiiosedpurposedrawer and more. Years I have been forced to wander my country as a refugee in it without the ability to get actual help for myself as people who own and whore and rape my country America to it's death. Please identify every person who tries to turn in people fingerprints, actual picture, height, Race, age, name, country of actual origin, eye color, hair color natural, weight and their actual abilities, actual locations during 9 days before and after 9/11 2001, 2006, 2009, 2-3 more years as sick people like to celebrate the biggest heist in history an accomplishment in their eyes, Globally Rounded World #globallyroundedworld add whine and whiine to that for more. Another March 2020 locations as well for COVID and Corona, October 2020-2021 as well Actual locations with proof this should tell people about #WhirrledEndedisziudwow people hellbent on destroying the planet with the #ArCfruup ready and "going to other worlds" and they try to say I am crazy 🤣. Please see me don't pretend anymore not to know anything about anything or who I am or that you haven't been lied to, screwed over, gossiped about, told on, and more. Identity is everything and raping somebody's identity, country, family, communities, their work, their words, their privacy #uibb #uei #uni #unni #fun #fuun #fpiy #fund #fundme #funded is being lied to #hirrday #hired is being lied to my work not theirs #tgeur #ttigor #tigg #git #gitur #urye #doa #fck faked flaked farced forced unmarred and guilty says #bin #slave #slavework #slaveworker #wrktug #wrkva #wrkvibes😉🥰🥰 #stoll #controlsip #contiek #whoredman just passed by #1037am truck grey #ld doveloves I want freedom from nothing I have ever earned, Curious isn't it, SS Stupid Slavery 🤔😧 mmmmmmmmmmmm Cradh test dummies. I don't want your ill intentioned HTEIC, HETTIEC as well, fork me over daily for your debts, crimes, sins, your naivete, your self enforced ignorance, your delusionally self enforced ignorance, killing America and Americans seems not just for sport but a purposeful genocide so you can feel superior, scholarly, self righteous, pious holy evil with pointless stupidity as your cause, ignorant blind greed, selfish selfied seeds, tape a cain chin or Chain after hearing or listening to my voice my situation in North Minneapolis 315 Lowry Ave N apartment 1404 Minneapolis MN 55411 to Keep you or yours safe but abandon and forsake me who is being sold, raped, whored, murdered 1828 Central Ave NE apartments 106, 201 RSEden #REB 🖕 rapists criminally negligent isnt even the half of it Sold keys and safety #AUE would know Chin AUE, I try to help and save everybody even from themselves it would be nice to be treated like a humani worthy of unslaved unindentured existence not free to whore, rape, lie about, prostitute, fabricate proofW, governing forces here are liars even to themselves about who I am and what they do or allow to be done to people, veterans, americans, unhomed, homeless, occupied country of mine as an american who has stood for everybody more than once in my Enslavement of embryo and childhood existence where everybody feels free to rape my mind heart and soul to claim my work my abilities my words my passion my 3 simple rules my buffet of life my trauma informed care my experiences my wisdom my life as their dared foo or fuu or fu , know what you do and to who. #gruubhubeibbdi has some culpability here maybe come here and talk to me, not just drive by fly by, ride by, side bi, siid by, sit by, shit by, slit cryb, shooe by, bed by, walk by, #gosdipscippbi #shealby #shealbycountie murders rapes missings hold backs hmmmmm Geovanni Raleigh Roberts -Stevenson murderers arsonists terrorists have more have at least 1-2 in their crossover hashtag #borrowedminecrimee #flightfaireded #doomeddtree #groomtrane #bostonpii have fun officers murderers of a RobbinsDale Golden Valley police officer #goldenvalleymn #robbinsdaleiemn #MurderCase #murderhhein holdbacks of many to leverage people even on cyber reports, messages and in person #DicScatoff #ckcyiebreswine and more #ihp to investigate here
Welcome to my life as a forced serf in Florida
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