5 and Up, signs or symptoms involving traumatic experiences that could be affecting or effecting my, your, or somebody else's even a pets life.©®

5 + signs or symptoms involving traumatic experiences that are effecting and or are affecting my, your, or somebody else's even a pets life ( this is not comprehensive, these can be a self awareness and or awareness of the world and those around us):

Sensory Spectrums: smell, taste, touch, sight, hearing
 this can be distressing things , things of comfort, things we do or do not do, can be clothing, colors, activities, 

Eat/drink/________ (related __________ & behaviors)

sociological behavioral psychological output: hypovigilance/hypervigilance/risk taking/controlling or lack of control/f it's/bullying/misplaced or raised or more ____________ than a situation/person/behavior/reaction/words than is reasonable or equal to their part in ______________, inadvertent behavior, manipulativeness, self deprecation, self flagellation, raised esteem, esteemed, superior, I know better, signs of distress, signs of prelude or preliminary to suicide/ murder/self harm/harm to others including animalia kingdoms and the environment/defacement/ vandalism/assault/over medicating however with whatever/speeding/stunts/

Some sort of imbalance: can mean excess or excessively, or deprivation, obsessions, avoidance, addiction even to overworking or a behavior when in balance seen as healthy like exercising, volunteering, cooking, cleaning, studying, 

Emotional responses: uncharacteristic, incalculable, seen as too much or or lack thereof, numb, who cares attitude, melancholy, despair, manic, depression, disthymia, anger or __________ as an emotional norm, live or thrive off of ___________, hysteria, defensiveness, offensive, 

Isolating, avoidant behavior or being around people a lot, hard to be alone, displaying co-dependent, lame excuses, lying, deception, hiding, characteristics, pairing*, mating* (not romantic relationships related), pared*, paired* (please be careful to stay aware in new recovery or life changes, style changes, physical changes, personality changes mostly that are healthy to the potential of those who can't understand or want the old you who don't know their place now who get angry or resentful about your positive or healthy changes, as well as the potential to become a "WE" weeeeeeee we are a we in recovery or ___________ we want to do things together all the time, or a more sexual or ____________ weeeee physical release with you and me which is nicknamed or called 13th stepping it in Alcoholics Anonymous their articles online, all three of these lead potentially to relapse, lapses, to reverting to ___________ type of behavior, to losing ground you have fought for and progress you have made, you risk losing ground and ultimately fallout regarding lapses or potential collapse of your recovery of your brave healthy and or healing self)

Boundaries or lack of boundaries or unknown boundaries or misinterpretation of boundaries or what is individually and societal norms even cultural norms, unexpressed or unhealthily expressed boundaries: learned, experience related, unformed, unforseen, malformed, unfunctional boundaries, distorted or distracted boundaries, refracted* boundaries, loose or loosened, edged, bruised, battered, charged, decimated, violated, hurtful, stinging, sharp , dull, honed, loving, strong, safe , cautious, healthy, directed, didactic, dyadic, depleted, dependenant, co formed, strict, lenient, militant, mutant, malaria, mosquito, meshed and immeshed, ruled, housed, caged, paged, booked, runners, channeled, psychic, maladaptive, authority dependent, sadistic boundaries, male dependant, childlike boundaries, God like boundaries, infamous boundaries, waffled, waters, unformed, uniformed, informed and uninformed, misinformed, nasty boundaries, sickened boundaries, obsessives, possesive, property owner boundaries, slave owner boundaries, meglomanical boundaries, manic boundaries,_________________

There's more and different ones , what's important is our own self assessment, assessment of those around us and the world to assess safety, assess think learn know grow assimilate assassinate divorce terminate, educate, relate, hope, to change , to face ourselves, to face reality, to face fears even the questions and or answers about our fears or anger or _____________to see really see ourselves and the world around us as it actually is and not __________ (a lie, fabricated fates, forced dates, the dying of the earth and our humanity may be tied together, subliminally mf'd, propaganda, all _________ or _____________, never ___________, always _____________, somebody else's ideal somebody's superior Intel and due tell, a betterment of, a plantation to grow and reap, and more).....If we see the world the way it is then we may be able to heal from anything at least psychologically, sociologically, societally, theologically, scientifically, environmentally, and more. We may be able to save the 🌎 and ourselves. Know your worth, know your time is never given to no end, cherish your time and the experiences that you have alone or with others. Experiences not things. Love, laugh, cry, dance, sing, exercise, enjoy eating, care for others and yourself, pray if you believe I care not what you believe in (my three rules) as long as you believe even in the earth and your connection or belonging or being a part of as nature what we have left of it is on life support and that means the earth Flora and Fauna and we are not dead yet. Don't give up, execute transitions for those who stay in an unhealthy manner and behave in ways that endanger this world, babies, children and the continued existence of us. Love laughter resilience and laughing even at ourselves can be healing revealing and a opening to knowing that we all are capable of endless potential and possibilities. Mine 7:44 pm may 4, 2024
Jade Raven Pelton ©®


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