Some of my Hold Writ when I ask people to share not Hare or hoard and barren spread

     Part of the problems with the domestic Violence programs, systems, and of course funding stolen and people that are sold within is only a part of it. The technology has a maze of twists and turns that people can inundate and create dooring traps or Tarped gorp which is a part of human trafficking and slavery. Having technology donated without any other intended purposes is complicated, complex and fraught with holes and a cavernous mind of greed for the shows that we are here in america and some other countries but since we have reps and shepards from some of those countries, cities, counties, cultures, races, faced facts, fleeced tracs or tracks, the lack of actual,factual security when trying to protect people not just violated, beaten, raped, terrorized (terro), kidnapped, bot or bought and sold like property due to the illegal selling of privacy in america by other countries here and there. Unfairest of the unfair phair or phare Nary an air or care bared share. Software developed for the express purpose of securing other places and serving my races and paces up on toast as an offering to the venomous, carniverous, valirus or valiarus or posed valerous of fakes, sames, brain games or gamed can display or show how they rape and reep who they murder and make it look like sleep.

     BREATHE JADE is actually JADE BREATHE egg scrape the rejuvenation of other cultures and countries for nothing I have ever done except be born this way. I am an American, woman or broad or (SI r lordes chen is a Quaxeia) my name Sir Lord Contessa of my own not owned they raped or whored creation pathetically omnatic, omnad, ohnoveau, sheepphish instead of sheepish and more uninnovative just thieves or whores or amores or flohrs or floors or fowl doors or doored much more there for anybody who is a Mcklintoch of any spelling righteous for America however spelled for i ma the warred house, the warred mare, the warred lard bard ehh bimard, I am so many code names and files that are copies and replicas sall over the world as I say it or think it first and rarely does anybody write down everything they say or think. Sorry is not dotted or with other punctuation nothing I spell out is either unless Jade (syas yesterday) says so and that would be Jade Raven Pelton born not road or rode or rhodes rolled or rolld or rold or dolled or doled.
     12:39 p.m. eastern standard time yesterday is when I took a break and am resuming now 7:40 p.m. Monday (Match)March 25,2024.

      While America my country is under siege it seems that the world does not seem to care at all for me or the country that has fought or given help or aid or care to every country in this world. They seem towatch like they are blind to the fact that we are being extermineated evryday here in the place where I have been whored raped and sold by other countries my whole life.If you haven't seen or watched the SAW movie series where people are kidnapped and put into scenarios where they choose the way that they die trying to escape that is what (evryday) everyday life is here like . Since America has been taken over fort so long and has so many rapists, torturers, murderers and terrorists living here just killing to have more and to pay off debts even with other people's organs, fertility and children, selling their freedom with the doppelganger program to turn everyone that they know against them and abandonthem called Startagems, stratemhes, stratemeaureimes, strattagems, raebrans, yearliaeings, gems, stars, stratteai, stratta, freschii, pfhurstied, haft, schiffe, jaeirpd, and so many more. Using innocent people to do what seems like terrorism, or theey set up situations to ingratiate themselves and use plus blame innocents for what they set up in order to save people and justify it so that they have a place in a country illegally and seem tyo know instinctively about who is right or wrong which is just a phaeirth of lies in order to get more people here to peretrate upon others using technology here and then blaming America for it when you just have to originate the languages that they are fluent in meaning computer code or is English a second language which you can tell in how a person speaks and spells out what they say. Other countries should know better than to have just blamed America which is taken over by even people from their own countries even some who are dead not just identities but faked deaths. We have imposters of military and governments and companies from other parts of the world here in the U>S> which is not American run or opt or barely alive anymore thanks to being abandoned by everybody and those who forked us over to save  their homelands even at the request of their relatives or friends or whoever because evrybody echoed the sentiments that America is the worst, that they deserve to be hated and are called vermin and much worse. Serving up America for the safety of others or for their commerce or for the fertility rape and theft that they won't admit to it's like science or biological Prime Nocte that the world just keeps watching and hoping that we die so they won't have to face what they did or are still doing. Raping the American military counts other countries, raping their economy, their money, their banking, their culture and yes (Caucasion) Caucasian culture though the spelling is different in different places in the world White or Pale complexion or complected which has been raped out of their heritage and cultural pride made to feel guilty for things that African Americans or those posing as them are guilty of. Paid and planned for rioting which is treason not just the  Georges riots which honors the rape, kidnapping and torture plus murder of my relative WHITE OE PALE COMPLEXION of St. Paul Minnesota relates back tyo arsenry or arsonry arsenals and armories which is also a multicultural endeavor of people of darker color than I mostly. Stealing FEMA supplies, arson in order to cover up torture or kidnapping or murder then filing insurance fraud for it. illegal testing of pregnant women, children, families in America even signed up by neighbors in order to make money for the suffering and long term effects of what they are exposed to including building materials, food, drink, hygiene products, even air filters and water filtration like honeywell. The rich just get richer and the poor who got rich from these studies, insurance fraud, murder plus death benefits, marriages that are fake due to their not being American or killing or poisioning their spouse or their family or selling their organs for money even a longtern investment instead of long term, child murder even in the (wombe) womb, getting pregnant on purpose in order to either frame up a person ingratiate or extort them even to psychologically break them in order to shapiepe them or form them into a weapon or cause them to catapault or catapult which is forced suicide. So many who claim that they are American are not and there might be under 30 who are actually alive of the African American heritage back to the "slave" era in America. Less than 150,000 actual Native Americans still exist, there's lots of Canadian natives though and South American Natives who impersonate even with stolen fertility mad into babies who are even 104 years old claiming to be Native like they are an elder. People selling out America from other countries please take your offerings and get out. Those who have betrayed America who are claiming that they haven't most countries have a sort of Naughty or Nice list Stolen endowments, iinmdents, grants, loans, bank accounts, properties, lives, health, limbs, babies and the ability to even have children, not to mentionselling Americans virginity to other people like we are owned like property like the OID number from unlawfully being sold into slavery in the Plymouth workhouse and then Shakop(p)ee Womens Correctional Facility in Shakopee Minnesota 217919 will forever be burned into my memory as I was a piece of property there. Forced injuries and the people who sell them to other people so that they can get high while the other person wants to die, or ends up killing because of the pain. The xiyrandauint of America is the world raping the innocence to its death to try to wash away all the healthy and good things that America and a couple other countries have tried to stay strong but over a 400 year campaign all abandoned America to its not deserved fate. Mothers protect theirs first the only country to prove that they will sacrifice themselves for the freedom, justice, liberty, and equality of all people is America that is actually righteous America. I amrefugeed in my own country whored and raped in many ways while the world trades I am becoming deadened inside to anybody's pliight other than my country. Canadia which is a typeof Asian canada is guilty of much posing as XChina, Korea, Vietnam and other countries in order to exact illegal trade agreements and show thier abandonment of America for their crimes even the Draft which was supposed to be the world draft not An AMerican TABUOOLI or luntpab the world abandons and rapes and whores America and others from other countries that have tortured Americans into submission are a dying uyrei . Keep watching daily as people rape and whore me and my country, the biotechnology illegally and unlawfully implanted and I>V>'d into my body, plus my name even screen names, emails, social media, raping my freedom, my identity my information, my talents and abilities while helping women who have been raping freighting or fraeting or freiahting or worse America we pay in the bloody flesh of the innocent that is the freight waite of other countries who demand our blood  for their even neighboring countries crimes. 

     Technology runs pretty much everything aroound the world so it is no wonder it is so easy to screw up banking, information, identity like the 6 other people opr more who whore an Americans identity in order to get more. WHile we suffer and die the world watches like giving (permision) permission for what they do. Living in houses, condos, apartments while Americans are on the streets unhomed homeless and dying the world turn its uncaring greedy eyes to other shores and their whores who sexualize them with the pavlovian response system even the micon version a mini version of the system which is not the schematics that my body has. I am not just a problem for (thoose) those who are in (poer) power here I am the BABAEL or whored innocent bieab or babe ever since even before I was born. The propaganda, subliminals, verbal stroies, and written or printed which I can Out from other continents and (counttries) countries around the world turning babies, children, youth, and even adults and elders against America because of what was given by America and never given to the people in need all over the world.

     Embezzlement of children's which includes babies and youth organizations is getting found out and once that is hopefully they will trun their attention to the embezzlement and fraud of Homeless organizations all over America which is minimum %60 to start with, people don't understand how easy it is to make somebody homeless who is American having terorists and other countries in charge of their housing is not just a problem but killing people.

 Child pornography is (a cause for child, teen, youth, adult, and elder homelessness)horrid but Infant or baby pornography and training programs using forced orgasms as positive reinforcement  and a way to addict plus terrorize as the residual memory (assocuated) associated even as a baby or child is one of torture and psychological pain since they do not understand what that feeling is but know it feels wrong, they cry, (thewy) they kick, they scream they bite trying to tell you how wrong it feels and you just keep going until they calm down or submit. A term for their froxen or frozen stare or (disacciation) disassociation something they deemed SUN cum and sum cum and numbcum and stuncum the pTSD or PTSD associated with what they do to babies and children produces a time lapse like flashbacks as the mind cannot handle what they are doing to them and can't fight them off. They become addicted to the feel, the hormones and phermones, and neurochemicals that are released during this process are what can SET or veth a person for future use by those who are in the know recalling the past though possibly not the memories depending upon the age. Blank spaces and recessed memory are common with long term child and baby rape involving sexual stimulation and orgasm rape.

     Other countries who have (bbeen) been in the know about this include some who have called themselves allies to America: better yours not ours said a leader or queen of another country. Abandonment of who you whored Daines is a light word to use for who you couldn't handle after you invited them. Just rape America another leader said there country has raped ours, though that leader did not know some of his own family was actually reponsible even who traveled to America, just have to check travels. The world whores and rapes America and then blames them for being victims just like most do to children, blamiing them for being sexually abused like they said hey come rape me.

    Know world that the crueller that you are to the remaining Americans who have not betrayed their country or others will be avenged , one of them has beeen deemed 100,000 of of another. That does count even 44 plus months ago. The world is raking the n. Keep reading and cscielling and I will make it a longer rythe then you may be able to survive.

Jade Raven Pelton October 10, 1979 TRIAD AMerican since before she was born.Death to zsx0oo and more. 9:14 p.m.

Know that the parantheses are encapsulation of caught words of people in the vicinity, on my Swiftkey occasionally, or in my mind or hands psycheikinesis a long with diffetent or different spellings.9:33 p.m. eastern standard time u.S. wierdness in caputalization or capitalization as well. March 25th 2024 at the life storage facility 102 North 20th Street on the second floor unit 2152 in Tampa Florida in what I wish was America and not some acronym that does and doesn't include U.S. or a .


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