redemption and recovery for anybody on April 29,2024 no less than 31+ years to 44+ years my whole life in the making
Recovery, redemption, pennance, salvation, a life you want to live and can live with, peace, quiet, finding your way through, helping others through something even if your in it or something else. I can handle it with ___________ as "god" definitely gives people and everybody more than they can handle. My metaphor is the not just full plate but full waitress tray but overflowing maybe a bit unbalanced plus somebody adds or subtracts or theirs sudden bump or somebody grabs your ass because your hands are full means that Gods or deities or whoever plus the reality that god doesn't put an umberella over your head, give you a safe living situation, or have personal conversations with you "does god talk to you on a personal basis," mine 2020 December. Accurately self ephiphanied guilt, responsibility, or partial responsibility, or hidden from you but you end up feeling responsible. Responsibility inaccurately assigned, designed, blamed, hatched, or bendered or brande...
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