Getting Raped by the World and Being Blamed for it, Sucks Welcome to my living nightmare
Treason, terrorism, and treachery are their jam with bread and butter mmmmmm! So today we are talking about those in America which is the U.S. United Governments of Governments States aka United Governments of America who are not Americans and who rape America for everything they are and everything they have or have ever had.
Now the Kris or Chris Jackson or some other spelling of is a known rapist in a T country but never told America who they are? I wonder why if people are perps in other places why they would not tell us? Speculation about this sort of common occurrence from others even supposed allies like Ecuador who has sex offenders up here and has since the 1840's on up is a question and not because how do you hide your shame you shove it on somebody else says a current Jet employee at the Candle hotel. Who is guilty of not just paid and planned rioting but of murdering Jesse or Jessie under 20 years old and had their whole life ahead of them. Other countries need to come and get or get these people dead for their crimes or be considered for WAR for treason against the 1940's to 1950's United Nations not just findings but laws.
Deportation is a sham other countries don't give a crap if we get raped here by their people and it shows even on video some of the warm welcomes BACK to their countries and transport back to the land of the freed or freebies. Forcing America to take it up the ass for so long that half or more of my country,america,is gone and we are filled with all the haters and perpetrators that rape our bodies, minds, and souls all around us. Please out in your countries what the Georges riots were about and who my relative George Floyd a pale or white American was and what happened to him in Minnesota. It's sad that people self victimize themselves and speak for their communities in a way that lumps them together when they are not. Self induced racism is a pathetic way to rape others communities, justice, liberty, equality and freedom always fought for by America and those who want the ideals of America to prevail around the world.
Steal to Heel is a large program that even runs to meat shields (soldiers and law enforcements), children and babies, fertility, even building manufacturing, poisoning food and water, altered pharmaceuticals and so much more.
I would not just out those websites I would hire someone to help those who hold that hostaging a country and it's people die for what they have done, who they have killed the innocents blood is upon their hands but that doesn't mean that it d get shared in a handshake, a fist or elbow bump, or a skin slide which means wash yourself clean with their pain, their blood, their hate as you do unto others so you. Please take care of americins first since they have taken soooooooo much care with Americans and yes those who support and even became american.
Funny to be surrounded by people who purport to be of my country america and be being ass raped by them the whole time. Joan or Joanna Jackson a known terrorist from the 70's is emulated for her bravery in burning people alive 1969 and other years. In her 60-70's now. Guess her race, Time 1966, 1970, 1965 or 4, I mean let's see how many times her face changes in the DMV, no less than 6 times. So which one hmmmmm? 1930's or 40's she died so who are the imposters, yes birth certificates with foot 👣 and finger prints prove it and did says a source before 1960. So many identities are stolen it's hard to figure out who is who. So many are under stolen racially different identities that you start to wonder who should really be hated on. Non Americans posing as such Even generations down the line , sorry just being born here doesn't make you Americans. Start checking back on your families immigration, migration, infiltration, subjugation, of a Slaved nation, I am sure scholars will be up to that jousting!
N.A.C.A.A. wow not Americans shocker! Who funds them, who did Niike frame or faruad or fraud to get money? Child pornography could chime in here
W.A.E. stolen funds from W.H.O. outted again in 2020 and somehow they escaped wow come to the U.S. land of other peoples criminals who their countries may or may not know that they are alive and what they are doing in their countries names for over 200 years some of them.The middle east knows no less than 25 families of rich people who acquired their riches through rape, murder, torture, fertility theft and rape, child trafficking, child and baby rape, selling identity, acts of treason, Treasury defraudment of no less than (Even contributions) all 25 families in no less than 43 countries over 190+ years, scarring people on purpose alot in theirs genitals since so many hate their own gender they usually take it out on men and children or youth, vaginal suffocation deaths so proud women are to take life the way they feel it was given from their wombs, Women are the Power they say who are empowered and enlightened women and torture murder real women.
Jennifer Washington of no less than one other name is a child murderer under 55 years old, of color and 1990, 1993-4, 2000, of course her part in 9/11 was in 1998 and beyond, from the East and south. Gerald was killed by her.
Jan(n) Dugan previous names include Janelle or Janet Jackson or Jaan treason but since never actually American it would be Costa Rica or Jamaica or Puerto Rico somewhere around there given regional or cultural lingo or linguistics. Not white is she but based her identity off of a white person. Jobs including medical, banking, non profit and of course a prez and the NAACP , a faked victim 1970's and 1980's she is a role model for all our young and middle who are murdering and raping America my country to it's death. Helped President Bush's sickness along in the 1990's and 2010-14 with a privately paid terrorist MEEDI or MEEDII modeling after previous world wars that slowly but surely poison people to their deaths often seen with skin problems, loss of teeth and hair, liss of health, baby deformities, still births, and miscarriages, cancers, leukemia, brittle bone disease and so much more it worsens or brings on arthritis, osteoporosis and many ailments that others don't suffer from just check medications, testing and treatments in other places in the world.
So let's see La(n)Tanya Johnson under 55 years old of no less than 1 or 2 other names usually goes by 40's to 50's in age and Trumps got paid as staff 2012 no less than 1-2 other presidents in the U.S. is a 9/11/2000 terrorist proven in another country again why not actually imprison somebody instead of utilizing them to do more. Murder 2004 and should be where? Please stop idolizing those that kill to have an accomplishment or achievement of which people should be ashamed not proud, should out all the fakes in jail and prison who got paid to be there spying. By 2009 no less than 4 prisons, not the fakers in it, should have gone free in the U.S. but instead Canada let people go , gave some of them money, identity and sent them to ________________, Even immediate housing even in Wisconsin. The terrorism of our neighboring countries is beyond belief. Just Rape America a slogan on a infomercial in the 1960's . We are of course "America Land of the Whore" everybody even though guess what we are Whored not whores often substituted with the word horror or horrors instead of whore. Nice to know what others think of you isn't it. Maybe everyone should come gather those that whore justice here, whore freedom, whore identity, whore equality, whore liberty, whore our education and finances our business our creativity or innovations and inventions our food our recipes our health our fertility our children our housing our fashion our bodies our healing, health, and recovery all those who Whore the Americans in the U.S. even through shades of business need to start putting a permanent stop to the americins (those who claim American but have sold it out, even those of illegally claimed citizenship, check them out even 100 plus years ago, where'd they come from?) An actual American is hard to come by and are a dying people though the world seems to celebrate their deaths even overseas even soldiers SOLD for their selfish Agendas like Propagation, like land that was never theirs to begin with, Where did Somalia come from? Blacked Summer is a file of several spellings depending upon where it is located or originated. America has never agreed to take more rapists from continents that almost completely wiped out Americans in the 1500's, 1600's, 1700's, 1800's, 1900's up to today it's just you seem addicted to Americans even if you hate for no reason and rape and steal and murder them a part of you wants to be free of all the crap that forces you to hate without reason without proof without a shred of actual evidence that what you have been force fed your whole lives is truth.
The truth hurts when you find out you have been killing innocent people including animals and children for some ______________, (illegal immigrants who lied about their amnesty, for a shot at more from sea to shining sea from whore to shore, ehh Botsna yeah figure out that conglomerate name huh, for your thirst to retaliate but are too chicken to go after the real guilty parties so hurt others by hurting Americans who ever did what to you, actual Americans did what PROVE they are actual Americans.
I requested that people leaving America please out all of our supposed Americans who sold out my country here in the U.S. which is supposed to be America. Sometimes we can't look at our own: family, community, culture, nation, ethnicity, color, race, creed, credo, religion, faith, or spirituality, your neighborhood or neighbors, your business or partners, your bankers or banks, local store or shop, what's supposed to be the uSA postal system and instead is a way to be raped by others, Big mothers not big brothers sold out my country for their safety and gave us Homelands Security to kill us, cage us, torture us, tame us, main us, disable us , use us, abuse us and all the while reap more for theirs or pay back others with blood money you who whore me and my people anywhere in the world to save face, to appear righteous, to hide your shame to CASTE us into slavery that hasn't stopped for almost the entirety of America's existence even before it was called America so proud of cowing people with gang rapes even if children even children on children even a 5-6 on a less than a 10 month old baby with vaginal suffocation cause that's bad ass according to some other places in the world.
Why do we have to die for your crimes, for your shame, for what you have done even in the past?
I am sorry that things haven't gone well for you where you live that doesn't mean America is to blame. Look at those living here illegally from your countries and transition them to an honorable state of being. Free yourselves and my country.
In talking with Virginia a little they were not sure this was actually them some of the contacts are not right, wonder why? I outted in 2020 and every year since that there were people posing as law enforcements here all different kinds who are not Americans, may not be that identity, are doing illegal things not just posing here and it seems like nobody hears me. If you are not an actual American you cannot be immigration, law enforcement, corrections, political positions, banking, medical, information, infrastructure, security, Treasury, in any government positions that are American, military, over 60% of business minimum you can't be involved in, you can't cook or clean since people have proven they steal and murder that way, you have under 200-100 jobs available in the entire country just like your countries so those who think we uplift and gift illegals here We Are Ass raped , hostaged, and taken over it just looks in appearance like this is America when it's the U.S. ©️®️
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