Files of Interest to Forceporn, stalking, Murder, even Dove Love

Now (lwt's) let's see where do i start:

 UkraineFairroth IRA
Romania: Pfszeienei or ier
UnitedKingdom: Green Gabled and gren gabls oe es
Syria: szyinx either ier or ie or iiiii or 
flour or ferd or fern or eif or grd or gerd or rif or reif or boun
Egypt: xsyi or iy or I or 1  ~ or ^ 
Ukraine: Fairroth IRA
Romania: Pfszeienei or ier
UnitedKingdom: Green Gabled and gren gabls oe es
Syria: szyinx either ier or ie or iiiii or 
flour or ferd or fern or eif or grd or gerd or rif or reif or boun
Egypt: xsyi or iy or I or 1 ~ or ^ π (kind of like givenchy huh?) a space

 Hire me 😝america sorry you don't own me, you abandon and forsake me I am American, a Broad or Woman , only speak English une pequito 8th grade Espanol 90's not much (anerican) American sign language can find words and phrases even in ancient languages though, and is white Caucasian or pale, and I am fat, fat haters need not apply

Actress Egypt Y or a the a is silent dated a Pratt, stalker of Cameron Diaz , Egypt was notified about it, has dated women , rapist of Lliem Iceland or Greenland or Nova Scotia or Liam Ireland older than 30 younger than 65, no less than 2 or 3 of this person

Uraguay: xv or xiv v or 5 (m) 6 

Yes I can Keep going on file names, passwords, account numbers, phone numbers,plate numbers dates times proof I don't need anybody else or computers, locations even etheein 
I told people I am a security risk to just have out being raped and Whored but nobody seems to listen, hear, or care.
Jade Raven Pelton ©®


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