Truth Hardens

Blaming, shaming, judging, guilting are out, 

Here's a bit of a conversation with some extras

look I just want to warn you about

My SilencedFreedom

You might not want to advertise that you are an INFJ , I found out the hard way about that even adjusting one letter would help

People tend to follow, stalk, and do other things to INFJ's even to their death

I can always, umm anybody can make a pal just careful of my page

Names are sometimes not a person's truth know that, nor are their ingratiating behaviors that strike as intention or natural intuition or instincts but a practiced studied hunting styles a relatives or friends even one you miss face something even at a diner or pub like place strikes them as knowing who you are online and off

Know that people can Act naive or victimized and are playing people for fools

Chanced meetings, ingratiating behaviors, know what these are

I might be able to help more but your screen name spoke and then the fact that INFJs are in danger

in the last 12 months hmmm MN, Dakota was one night, Montana, or my bus travels to there, or to Omaha Nebraska Council Bluffs Carter Lake Iowa area, will be hitting the pavement soon seeing as nobody wants to hire a guide to advise about their wants, wishes, desires, plans, dreams, visions, investments, businesses, etcetera 

I'm not the person that "they" say that I am they just should not sell stolen stuff of mine or rape people etcetera then profit off of illegally recorded people even children it's not passive child pornography to me to set it and forget it but inhumanely not think about how many people stalk children, Why this kindergarten or daycare or nursery or house or school or church or _______________ they don't think about it or they believe lies which sound real like busting a drug thing or stolen goods or stolen technology that's Homeland security worthy they trick and then blame those they use

Usually one among them though who knows
Inheritance, lol
How did they get________________
How did they meet?

Enigmedefi has more on her page along with her Pack... 

Just careful if people contact you as a result of looking, following, replying, liking something curious How did they know? How do they know of me? Plagiarism is a treacherous way to victimize people and dangerous to those in the know....some of my stolen work is actually famous and yes they will kill to cover up their fuck ups Blame the person you victimize Even a child is a standard unfortunately, hate who helps you as well, and some are a living example of a mirror to you, the parts of you that you hide, are not proud of but may believed you were like a bully or a thief or a rapist or a conartist or a _________________.....I write things and say things mostly from learning myself and people get angry.... Did I write your name in there, don't self apply if it doesn't apply to you not my fault if something rings a bell in you that has you discover that you aren't _______________ or that _____________ is a behavior of ________________(fill in the blanks are the best because if everybody pitches in we become aware of more than before which is why "self help" is so powerful, WE help each other, not that a counselor, therapist even an experience based type not degreed type isn't called for, needed, or out there as well but the most powerful is person to person or being to being relating with wisdom, epiphanies, self discovery, slips, falls, recovery, sharing, healing, hope, changes that are lifelong or lifestyle sustainable not a slim fast plan but nutritious is delicious paired with exercise the strongest mood enhancer there is, I am proof of that. AA provides the blueprint including the 12 traditions born out of ______________, meaning read them and go ohhh um wow wonder what happened when the AA ought never be hmmmmm learn from others maybe not so happy moments, you don't have to remake the wheel even parenting you don't. A joke I like is did you know that parents have been around for thousands of years, umm 🤔 ok yeah , so why is it that we don't just ask parents grandparents uncles aunt's neighbors teachers whoever about what works for whoever, SHARE and actually hear don't just listen, strategies for discipline around the world, how cool would it be to learn from somebody somewhere else and maybe they could learn something in return Children , kids, youth and babies are similar all over, attitude, challenges and challenging always trying to loophole something just like we did. Don't forget we were once children too, I feel like parents forget because you can call upon your own childhood and how would you react to,what did you say you would not do or say or not do or be etcetera that your parents did, because everyone has a minimum of one! Remaking the wheel in anything says I am superior and know better, I don't need anybody's ________________. Really everybody you know better, huh interesting isn't it? 

Because I can feel a little bit of anger from someone about that statement, not my fault your biz suffered because you know better than the actual owner and have to pay it back better than prison, client farmer, resource appropriations, and more....

 We often don't just know better, and people being actually helpful get met with scorn, sarcasm, anger, derision (something simplified is actually a working deal), sabateurs, haters, ungratefulness, funk, tears, confusion, grated grace, sociopaths gracious piety, blissed Glee, Flanders rapists, beggers, bagend, it's kind of how the world rapes americans identities, ideas, parents, money( ask about the International Bank bailouts not national, and Treasury defraudment which is Treason Euros made from ____________, country next to Ukraine as well up until late 1800's Canada still isn't paid off either Canada but we kind of delayed because you went Socialist, like you would have if you hadn't raped the Dakota's, and one mint, Sorry that you are heritage of land thievery as well. Not our neighbors more like people who will sacrifice innocence for the love of ________________( you name it) you let terrorists over the borders, you harbor 9/11 terrorists, Toronto, whether you want to admit it or not, you raped Native Americans Casinos because you are part of the MOA which strangely connects with architects and technology hmmmmm.... I letter starting brain which is a never after 1957, 1960 something, 1996 or 1993 , you don't know better and it's insanity to keep doing things that kill people and this planet thinking you can do better than whoever it was who thought better then. 1961 in America is a result of that brain 🧠 that somebody who knew better than the origin of one of the first commwriters like computers at NASA ....

stop perfection okay it's not sustainable and you have to tip your self right, which can be a slope too slippery not to fall though using innocent bystanders to break your fall is kind of chicken shit huh? Blame somebody, because that is better than _______________(accepting you may have not known better, or admitting a mis-step a miscalculation or mistake, ummm 🤔 Maybe saving face is actually worse* don't be whoever it was who blamed you for something*).

May You Believe in whatever allows you to follow my 3 Simple rules and thrive

1 as long as it doesn't hurt you
2 as long as it doesn't hurt somebody else if you can include flora and fauna that would be awesome
3 as long as it brings passion, contentment, peace, fulfillment, joy, hope, changes if you want or need them, inspiration etcetera then go on and do it and forget everybody else because your life is about you, your decisions, choices etcetera and what happens is on you not anybody else so why listen to people who aren't going to have to deal with whatever it is anyways, you do so screw them and go thanks for being a no, I needed to figure out my No Yo's of my personal tastes, my choices MY Life so have a wonderful life I don't have time for people or beings that don't support me! Don't be 59 or 67 or 83 or __________ when you finally figure out that you honestly don't give a crap wtf others say about whatever it is, Cull the herd in your life and move forward into a world without questioning, guilting, shaming, blaming, doubters, haters, hangers on , besties cuz your of use, back stabbers, decievers, betrayers, sellers, owners, and those who cut you down two faced or subtly to your face. Drop'em , ditch'em , slakem, fakem out, liven and loose them....

shake the devil off your back Shake Her off shake her off shake her off ohhh oh oh, Florence and the Machine song

Believe in you, believe in something bigger than you and I'm fat so I am bigger but that's not quite what I mean okay, like nature okay 

Ciao 💋


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